Decolonizing Fitness — Running

My Pain is Real

Posted by Ilya Parker on

This article was originally posted on That Fancy Life Blog  CW: mentions of weight gain, intentional weight loss, dieting   The medical community has a deep dark history regarding the pain of Black women. Black women are seen as superhuman. The reason we are given this moniker is because no one seems to believe us when we say we are in pain. I have learned this the hard way. Today I cried. I cried happy tears. I cried tears of anger. I cried tears of joy. And I cried tears of sadness. I was a whole crying mess. I was...

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Running Without Limits by Amber Morgan

Posted by Ilya Parker on

I am a disabled person. I have Cerebral Palsy. I am also a trans person. I am a trans woman. I am a disabled runner.  This means that I run races in a wheelchair pushing myself the distance of a race.  Most races I am the only athlete that is in a wheelchair.  So I compete against those on foot. I am also an activist locally in my home town in Upstate NY and on the state level for the LGBTQIA+ community, the mental health community, and my disabled community.

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