Decolonizing Fitness
Working Out After Being Sick
Posted by Ilya Parker on
I’ve been away for a bit recovering from Covid. As someone who is immunocompromised these have been scary times managing symptoms as this virus moves through my body. I also needed space to process my anger. After spending much of my days in isolation I ultimately contracted Covid in my home from a loved one. However, I understand how hard it is when mitigations are left up to us as individuals. Thankfully I am in a place where I am starting to feel better and am able to engage in intentional movement again. So I wanted to share some...
What Is Toxic Fitness Culture?
Posted by Ilya Parker on
One of the foundational components of Decolonizing Fitness is creating educational resources for coaches, trainers, studio owners, movement practitioners, and anyone who is interested in divesting from toxic fitness culture. In order to meaningfully address “toxic fitness culture,” we must first understand all that it encompasses. As a Black, queer, trans, chronically ill individual, it felt especially important for me to create my own comprehensive definition of toxic fitness culture because I and others like me are often the primary targets of the harm and misinformation peddled and purported in fitness and movement spaces. I also want to honor the additional descriptions...
The Power of Fitness
Posted by Ilya Parker on
When I talk about fitness I am specifically speaking about the way it is used as a tool of body regulation and conformity as fitness explicitly functions as a hinge between lifestyle and health. Through the lens of fitness there is a particular emphasis on body shape and size. The more adjacent a person is to thinness the more they are assumed to be of “good health” and "fit". Which in turn allows for them to be viewed as a successful, responsible and productive member of society. Whereas the larger a person’s body is (no matter the reason) they are...
I Was Featured in Men's Health Magazine and this is how I feel about it
Posted by Ilya Parker on
I grew up reading Men's Health Magazine. I remember scouring the pages of that magazine on my lunch breaks while working at a grocery store. I was so excited when finally able purchase the magazine once my employee discount kicked in. I also recall turning page after page and seeing nothing but toned, tall, white cis male physiques. I felt both admiration for their bodies and deep hurt that I would never look like that. I would often wonder what was wrong with my body that I wanted to change it to look like them? I used to follow the workouts...
- Tags: Affirming, Decolonizing Fitness, Fitness, Fitness Industry, GNC, Gym, Healing, Health, Non Binary, PoC, Queer
Unpacking the History of Anti-Blackness in the Fitness Industry
Posted by Ilya Parker on
During the Jim Crow era, Black people weren’t allowed access to “health clubs”. Much like country clubs and golf courses during the years after desegregation, many ‘health clubs’ implemented discriminatory rules and policies to exclude Black patrons. Dr. Antonio Williams, Associate Professor and Associate Department Chair, Indiana University School of Public Health "The fitness industry and all industries are impacted by systemic racism because all industries are managed and run by people. People come to the spaces they fill with thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that represent what they have learned, been taught and experienced from the day they were born....
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- Tags: Affirming, Anti-Blackness, Decolonizing Fitness, Education, Fitness, Fitness Industry, Gym